Мар 09, 2019

Protect your Irrigation System with a Pressure Regulator

Protect your Irrigation System with a Pressure Regulator

The Problem

Have you ever had the experience of installing an irrigation system for your home garden and turning it on, only to discover that the parts blew off, leading to leaks and damage? It’s probable that you installed a system on a high-pressure mains supply with a low flow rate without a pressure regulator.

The Solution

To ensure constant downstream pressure over the recommended flow range, it’s recommended to install a preset pressure regulator irrigation system.

Choose your Pressure Regulator

The flow range and pressure regulation rate must be taken into account when selecting a pressure regulator. Water delivery within this zone should be accomplished by your irrigation system.

Setting Up Your Pressure Regulator

To ensure the safety of all low-pressure irrigation components, it is best to install the pressure regulator at the beginning of the system. Directly install them to:

  • manual valve or garden tap can be used
  • automatic solenoid valve outlets

To ensure trouble-free operation of your system, it is recommended to install a pressure regulator for all irrigation systems that are supplied through the mains.