Фев 03, 2020

Prepare your Irrigation System for the Warmer Season Ahead

Prepare your Irrigation System for the Warmer Season Ahead

Now that winter is over, it’s time to start planning for the warmer season ahead and prepare your irrigation system for watering your garden. To prepare your irrigation system, follow these easy steps:

  • Check for breaks and leaks in your pipework system. Your pipe and fitting systems can be damaged by soil movement, pets, vermin, or wear and tear during the winter months. The irrigation system needs to be repaired before you can start irrigating.
  • Make sure to check your drippers/sprays/sprinklers. Plants and weeds may have grown over your drippers, sprays, and sprinklers during the winter. Clearing this is necessary to ensure effective watering. Ensure that all drippers, sprayers, and sprinklers are functioning properly by verifying that they are producing the correct amount of water and watering the correct area. Make sure to adjust, replace, or clean any faulty emitters.
  • Clear any sediment in the pipework system. During the winter season, sediments and bacteria slimes can form in the poly pipework systems. To remove any contaminants, it’s advisable to flush your pipework system by opening the ends of the lines and operating the system. After the water runs clear, run the system and then reseal the ends.
  • Filters. It is a good time to disassemble and clean any filters by running them under a running tap and brushing them with an old toothbrush if they are dirty.
  • Automation system. If you are using a tap timer or irrigation controller, check its operation and set a schedule for the upcoming season. We will be discussing how to set efficient water-saving schedules for the irrigation season in the coming weeks.